Carlo Calma's Diyosa: An Architect's Guide To Making A Ballet
Carlo Calma's Diyosa: An Architect's Guide To Making A Ballet
Carlo Calma
Carlo Calma works in the field of visual arts and architecture, exploring the relationship between bodies, nature, and the environment. Integral to his practice is his notion of movement that translates into his sculptures and architectural designs which, to a degree, have a performative aspect in them. He designs his body of work—from sculptures, objects, videos, and installations—to blur the boundaries between art and architecture, making his practice cut across other artistic disciplines.
He continually quests the rich and potent cultural identity of the Philippines touching on nation-building, placemaking, technology advancement, and sustainability. He experiments and creates provocative, current and significant visions in both local and global climate issues.
Published in 2023 by Carlo Calma Consultancy Corp.
434 pages