Pacita Abad: Abstract Emotions
Pacita Abad: Abstract Emotions
Pacita Abad, Alice Guillermo
Pacita Abad: My series on "Abstract Emotions" are compositions of color, textiles and music that were inspired by my visits to batik centers in Surakarta, ikat weaving in Sumba, batik factories in Yogyakarta, as well as trips to aboriginal lands in Australia's Northern Territories and to the Montreaux Jazz Festival in Switzerland.
Color is the total expression because it is always there and dominates every work. My colors are strong - vibrant yellows, blues, greens, reds and browns. Somehow, when I use batik on my oil paintings, the result is a brighter, lighter-colored painting. When I use the ikat woven cloth, my paintings are in a darker, somber mood.
Ever since I came to Indonesia, I have been constantly exprerimenting with local textiles. Everyday is a struggle, but it gives me great satisfaction to discover new design and new surfaces.
Published in 1998 by National Museuem, Jakarta
46 pages